All that shines

Yes it's the same old cliche subject, but I'm still wondering when are we going to really start to look beyond the form? Most of us are caught up in our daily lives, and everything is done in such a rush that we forget to take a breath, and take a minute to examine what the substance of the things in front of us is all about.

We end up being carried with the wave, clapping hands just as the others are doing; it's what everyone else is doing but what's wrong in stopping for a minute to actually look at things and cast a real opinion, a well thought opinion and appreciate things that really shouldn't pass unappreciated, what's wrong in that? Why to limit ourselves to being dazzled from a quick look by all what seems to shine and deprive ourselves from savoring what's real and what's really amazing? Just a thought.


I Emilie :) said…
Beautiful... I took my time reading your post and commenting... I like it :)
wondassista said…
kattir 5er alla ma befham siyesi wala betmana efham mais ils me degoutent ts ces types so bala siretoun a7san i guess on n'y peut rien peut etre; ss eux le liban serait tellement parfait, et ca n'existe pas...
me said…
Your comment is beautiful, thx for reading :)

ça fait longtemps! merci por ton commentaire. T'as raison, mais c'était plutôt à propos de notre vie quotidienne et notre perception de tout ce qui nous entoure, et moi comme toi j'ai eu marre de tout ce qui se passe au Liban.
me said…
thank you zahra

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