Lebanese diaspora

Well, we all know that you can find Lebanese in Europe, United States, Canada, South America, Africa, The Arab gulf, the Far East, and now you can add to the list the North Pole.
Rabih Moussa, a Lebanese engineer, is up there working to find solutions to provide internet and VoIP solutions for populations living at the outskirts of the North Pole. Each year in its Feb. issue, Spectrum magazine which is a scientific review published by the IEEE* makes an article about the dream jobs of the year. Eng. Rabih Moussa was chosen as one of those who have a dream job. He left Lebanon and he's not to be blamed. You will not stay in a place where you're underestimated and where you have no future in the corrupt Lebanese corporate environment, in which things like equal opportunity employment, jobs and promotions offered on competence and merit basis do not exist. Only one thing is important, who is the one who called to help you get a job or a promotion. The story is repeated everyday and every hour, we lose those who can make a difference in the country and no one cares.
You can see the article about dream jobs here.
And the article about Rabih Moussa here.

* IEEE = Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, which is a sort of worldwide official gathering for electrical and electronics engineers, this institute is responsible for the publication of 70% of the research material in this field through its various publications issued by specialized societies in it. You can learn more about IEEE here


Anonymous said…
I have read a similar article about what is called now the "brain drain" and Lebanon was tied with Iran for first place on the list..
Rabih is very lucky to have found a way out because he is well educated,it is terrible to be in the shoes of the others who don't have the means to leave and feel stuck and hopeless.
It is truly sad, we were hoping and looking for a change.
Anonymous said…
sorry Rany, that's was me Heba in the previous comment.
me said…
Welcome back Heba :), it's been a while. Lebanon and Iran on top of the list, that's interesting. But at least in Iran they are benefiting from some of their engineers and scientists, they are developing a lot of technologies , they are about to have nuclear energy, while here we export all of them.
Anonymous said…
hello my friend...really interesting..."Iran they are benefiting from some of their engineers and scientists, they are developing a lot of technologies , they are about to have nuclear energy"......"Lebanon they are benefiting from some of their engineers and scientists and the irani ones, they are developing a lot of technologies , they are about to have civil war"...:(
me said…
Welcome back Khaled:), kamen enta it's been a while bass akid mesh 2asdak el engineers, walla ma 5ason. The so called politicians not the engineers.
Krys said…
"we lose those who can make a difference in the country"....I beleive every single beating heart can make a difference dans ce pays de merde ou nos politiciens merdiques ne se rendent pas compte dans quelle merde ils sont en train de faire noyer le pays.
Sorry Rani bas am having mon moment de colere concernant tt ce ki se passe dans le pays and that's what I was talking about in my post "why everybody's leaving".
me said…
I agree with you, but i was talking about those who have an added value, those in which a lot of money, effort and years have been invested to prepare them to become what they are now. It is sure that every heart beat can make a difference but yet again it depends on how these hearts are beating, most of the time they are beats of secterianism, hatred and fanatism, and unfortunately they are not providing enough blood to the brains of the lebanese. It's ok and normal to be angry because our politicians made a shit hole out of this country but it's not them alone, it is the lebanese people alltogether that must be blamed, our politicians didn't come from Mars they reflect the reality of the lebanese people, they're only a sample from it.

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