
الرجاء الإجابةعلى الأسئلة التالية
أولاً: هل تعتقد بأن العلمنة قد تشكل الإطار الصحيح للإصلاح السياسي و للتخلّص من الطائفية في لبنان ؟
ثانياً:عن أي علمنة تتكلّم, ماهو مفهوم العلمنة بالنسبة اليك؟
ثالثاً:ما هي برأيك المعوقات التي تقف في وجه العلمنة في لبنان؟

العلمنة هي واحدة من كثير من الأفكار التي يمكن ان تتبلور و يتم البحث فيها بشكل جديّ كسبيل للتغيير الى الأفضل لو كان هناك مجتمع مدني ناشط في لبنان, لكن وللأسف المجتمع المدني اللبناني حتى الآن و بالرغم من كل المصائب التي تلمّ بنا هو جثة هامدة, فالحركة المواطنية (اقصد هنا حركة واندفاع المواطنين من منطلق ذاتي) معدمة وغير موجودة بالأساس. ما هو موجود هو فقط احزاب تتشدّق بأيديولوجيات مستوردة في معظم الأحيان من الشرق او من الغرب, و تقنّع بهذه الأيديولوجيات واقعها الطائفي. فقط هذه الأحزاب هي القادرة على تحريك اللبنانيين و اتخاذ قرارات و خيارات قليلة على اللبنانيين الإنتماء الى أيّ منها فقط دون غيرها, واذا كان الخيار خيار حزب الطائفة التي ينتمون اليها عليهم ان يسيروا به دون سؤال او اعتراض. لا يفكر احد من اللبنانيين بما هوالأنسب له, لبلده لمبادئه لحياة اولاده والأجيال التي ستأتي من بعده ويتحرّك على هذا الأساس, الإنتماء هو فقط انتماء مذهبي وتعصّب قبَلي للطائفة وللزعيم. هنيئاً لكم يا ابناء شعبي عقولكم المسعورة و هنيئاً لكم الشتائم واللعنات التي سيلقيها عليكم ابناؤكم واحفادكم لأنكم لا تأبهون بما تتركون لهم من اعباء و بؤس و تخلف

Update: No comments on this post, it doesn't surprise me that no one cares about this subject, that's what i talked about in the first place.


Rania said…
not really ya Rany, bass you know we have to prioritize, I had to bribe my colleagues on Saturday and the subject you choose is quite difficult to tackle, I need to write an essay to answer every part of the question … oh btw, they did get me the flowers…

let’s go back to the subject, 3almanh or Secularism, well ya Rany it’s easier said than done. It is, with no doubt, the best solution for Lebanon’s never ending religious quarrels bass keif w leish, ana baddi ifham….

What I understand in 3almanh is when GOD, whomever he / she is, does not interfere in my civil life.

The main obstacle in my opinion is the political hypocrisy. Blind faith is the best weapon our leaders (or any other leaders for that matter) can use to control masses and execute their agenda. So they might talk about secularism but they will never implement it.

This is more than a referendum ya Rani, more than an istitla3…
me said…
Thx for ur comment and Mabrouk el flowers :) Did they buy them from ur shop?

I know that I chose a difficult subject to tackle but someone should start talking about it, that's why i wrote this post.

I agree on ur small definition of secularism but i don't think that the problem is bec of GOD, it's in the tribal fanatism present in all lebanese, and in the various earthly relegious authorities who fear losing their authority if secularism gains more ground, they should stop interfering and tailoring the civil life the way they like.

I agree with you that blind faith is the best weapon used by leaders (eventhough i prefer to call it tribal fanatism bec it's nothing more than a fanatism for the tribe which, in this case is in the form of a religious sect, it has nothing to do with faith).
However, and on the otherhand I think that this weapon is what made them leaders, bec if they didn't work this way no one, no masses will consider them as leaders whatsoever, so it's a weapon used by the masses against leaders too (heik el sha3eb baddo), otherwise they will lose their leadership or won't be leaders in the first place.
We have a tendancy to project everything on leaders, but the lebanese people have a corrupted brain, and politicians are a small sample that reflect the status of the majority of the lebanese people, that's how we are. And it is for this reason that i believe that we should talk more about secularism in public as much as possible.
A good and fair definition of secularism is found Here
Anonymous said…
Ya Rani, ya3ni you picked a sticky subject to start off your blog,like the teacher who gave the hardest homework ever the first day of school..Come on :)besides, I was smelling the roses..

Anyway,this is the perfect solution for us,but how change can come about especially that the country has been built on religion and sects since day one and our politicians played every card possible to keep the masses in line,and things are getting even worse, and if you are depending on the Lebanese to rise up,from past history and present events,I doubt they will,otherwise we won't be where we are today. I don't think Lebanon is ready for this big change,a lot of people consider this subject as a taboo.
Today, I don't know where I read something like:are you a sunni christian or a shia christian?? This is freaky!!!
I hope things are not as bad as we read about them here..

me said…

If it's a taboo let's talk about it more and try to brake it, i don't depend on lebanese to rise up, i'm not asking for a secular revolution. All i wanted to do is to open the subject, someone has to do it.Someone should start it. It is a need more than a readiness issue, it is an urging need, so at least let's talk about it it'll sure be much better than doing nothing.
And Sorry for taking you away from ur roses. :)

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